Forge World Open Day 2017 - Necromunda summary & thoughts

Another post related to the Open day, "how long can they drag this out" I hear you cry!


So as I mentioned in my on-the-day post, we were able to speak with Andy Hoare about the new Necromunda.

Necromunda was the buzzword for the event, I'll try to break this down into some semblance of order!

Andy spoke to us about the release itself. The box is sculpted by the Specialist Games team, but made in plastic. The boxed set is designed to be ready to play and to start with includes two gangs - Goliaths and Escher. These two gangs have 10 models each, which is made of two 5 model sprues. The kits, as I mentioned, will be plastic, and semi-multi pose in a way not dissimilar to the Scion kit - the torso/leg combinations each have close combat and ranged options, and the heads are/may be interchangeable and free to be posed as we wish. 

The gangs themselves consist of the same classes as before; Leader, Heavy, Ganger and Juve. They now have a different activation system, which I will get onto below. A key feature Andy spoke about was the progression/market/adding to gangs. They seem pretty keen for us not to destroy/convert our models once finished - think back to the old Gorkamorka models who would be cut up and re-built because an Orc lost an arm! If, for example, you wanted a lascannon, but had a heavy bolter Heavy. Rather than have that Heavy buy a lascannon at the market, you would add a lascannon Heavy to your gang. This way a gang becomes quite large, up to 20-30 miniatures. This is then countered by the use of a crew for each mission.

Each mission will have information of how to build your crew. This might be do-it-yourself, it might say you must take x, y and z, or it might give you a random selection from your gang.

Similarly, we asked how the rule set works. Expecting this release to be based on Shadow War rules, or even just a straight re-print, we were surprised to find that it uses a completely new rule set based on 8th Edition. Andy described it like this: Necromunda (Based on 2nd Ed) was easy to play because players knew 2nd, and learned the added special rules. Now most people dont know/play 2nd, but they do play 8th. The team want this game to share that familiarity, and so players of 8th Edition can pick this game up, and play safe in the knowledge that they know the basics. However, Necromunda 2017 has some key differences - first off they are doing away with the you-go-I-go system. Now there will be an alternate/split activation system where each model has 2 actions. These actions could be run, jump, shoot or other action that might be necessary. Each class (Leader, Heavies, Gangers and Juves) has different activation options. In this example a Leader can activate himself and then two other models in range. Heavies activate themselves and one other model in range, whilst Gangers activate themselves only. Poor old Juves can only activate themselves if they pass a dice roll similar to bottle/cool/Ld etc. In addition to this change in turn sequence the 8th edition base gets an expanded stat line with things such as Will power, Leadership and Cool. 

Timing was difficult to pin down. We had heard November from one source, but Andy seemed to suggest this would be sooner with the base game next month (Andy said "Very soon, not this month but very soon"), then hardback rules 2018 some time. Similarly, additional gangs, missions, objectives, hired guns and their respective rules would be released as supplements as time goes on.

I tried to press Andy for some information regarding terrain. His answer was cryptic, but when I said "so there is no plastic terrain in the box", he said"No, but the box is ready to play". Card stock terrain?

Going forwards we can expect FW upgrades to the plastic kits, as well as new plastics for other gangs.


Many people, including myself, are very excited about this. I didn't play Necromunda, but played BFG, Gorkamorka and Inquisitor, and love the smaller skirmish games with character progression.

I might well do an article in due course of my top 10 conversion bits for skirmish games - it is a big list!

What do you think guys? Excited for Necromunda?

Der H

Unboxing - Legion Sicaran Punisher

The second of our un-boxing articles is the mighty Sicaran Punisher - this time added to the mighty Word Bearers for Brother Handro (Der H: "Add it to the wall of shame!").

We've done a YouTube video on this one - check it out over on our channel The Hobby Butterflies and check out our other videos as they arrive!

Ooooh, a nondescript box!

Ooooh, a nondescript box!

The new white boxes from Forge World are quite nice - makes things feel more cared for than the bags of loot!

The hull for the Sicaran hasn't changed (as expected!) and is still very crisp considering the age of the model. The attachments for the track/sides is still unfortunate in that this rear panel is often warped and needs some TLC after de-spruing!

The parts for the new turret are really nice - crisp detail (the mould is BRAND new so should hope so!) and a relatively straight barrel. The detailing on the ammo feed is particularly sharp.

Overall a very nice kit - check out Brother Handro's progress in a future blog post!

Der H

Thought for the day: "Heresy grows from idleness"

Unboxing - Bolt Action US Army infantry (Winter)

A two part review today guys!

First off we have the Bolt Action US Winter infantry.

A slightly old kit than the others reviewed so far - 2015 it seems! A nice box of miniatures indeed!

I have these guys to mix in with my plastic airborne to make an early Battle of the Bulge force with poor supply of winter gear.

Rather than bombard you with photographs, check out our video!

The second part I did not film, this is the Winter army HQ set.

This set comes with an HQ, a medic/stretcher beared, a radio man and trooper carrying said radio, and an additional trooper.

Carrying a stretcher!

Carrying a stretcher!

These are nice casts with a good amount of detail. The single separate head will be helpful - I hope to use a plastic head on him, and use the metal head elsewhere to add to the feeling that this platoon has grabbed what little gear they can before marching into Bastogne.

Hopefully you'll enjoy the video - we have a different style lined up for a few more unboxings this week!

Der H

Unboxing - Custodes Aquilon Terminators with Infernus Firepikes

Today I'm going to jump on the un-boxing band wagon and show you the parts for the new Custodes Aquilon Terminators with Infernus Firepikes

As with many Forge World products, these beauties come in a free box! Huzzah!

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This is the first Forge World kit I've bought with instructions and a leaflet explaining the models.

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There is a brief guide to working with resin and a label for the parts and how they go together! 

Lets look at the parts eh! 

My first thought was  "wow, these guys are big!"  Brother Handro and I regularly complain that the models look so small at Warhammer World, but these actually feel bulky. The pads are several leagues larger than Terminator pads!

This picture, odd as it is, shows the hoods. I've included it for a) completeness b) a demonstration of the quality of the kit and the reliability of casting. The eagle claws! Look at how perfect they are!

The pikes themselves are beautiful! 

It wouldn't be a Forge World kit if the claws/blades weren't bent! This has already been fixed under a hot tap - if this is all I can complain about then....we'll, then I guess it's quite good....(Der H:   "I've never been one for words...") 

Torso parts, leg guards and daggers - the story behind the dagger means every Custodes must have one! 

Three helmets and one bare head - descisions desicisons....probably all helmets! These chaps will be Ixion Hale's bodyguard and so they need to be faceless!

Look! They can be painted! The proof is here! 

So in summary I am very pleased with this kit! It is crisp, well checked and well boxed. I suppose my only criticism will be revealed in the summary of my discussion with Will Hayes - stay tuned for that later this week!

Der H 

Shame! - new toys

Shame! Shame! 

Well that joke will start to wear thin this weekend!

As if the upcoming Forge World open day wasn't enough of a money pit, I've gone and bought more Bolt Action!


These guys will be scattered throughout my plastic Airborne to build on the feeling of a rag-tag 'grab what you can' Battle of the Bulge force.

I might well use the HQ section as Winters and the others as scattered characters. 

Plastic weapon sprue to add variability and make a bazooka team. I'm also hoping to beg a Luger or two from my good buddy Handro to make a few conversions!

Keep your eyes peeled for my second attempt at a winter flexible mat, updates to my Airborne and news from the Forge World open day tomorrow!!

Der H

Project - ArcWorlde Battle for Troll Bridge Board

One of the other games I play (Handro: "Bit free and easy with the word play today aren't we?") is ArcWorlde by Warploque Miniatures. Alex Huntley is the guy who runs the show, and they've now had three successful kickstarters (ArcWorlde - The Fantasy Skirmish Game, ArcWorlde - Battle for Troll Bridge, and ArcWorlde - Troubles in the North).

The game has a small but very keen fan base, and the latest kickstarter was HUGE. I came late to the ArcWorlde party and missed the first KS. Since then I've backed the Battle for Troll bridge set and more recently the Trouble in the North set.

Being a sucker for terrain, I've been building a Battle for Troll Bridge board - which is almost complete!! (God forbid!)

The Board started out with a VERY thick piece of foam - I wanted there to be a waterfall (still currently without water....), a bridge, roads and some fields. Blue foam is great, but without a hot wire cutter it is a pain to sculpt.

Here you can see, not only the carved out board and the bridge itself, but also the desperate state in which I so often find my bunker!

The game it self comes with a paper 'bridge' with the dimensions recommended for certain scenarios - Those measurements were used to make a card base, and build up with crude blocks to form a fantasy bridge.

Brown paint, flocking and some stones gave the terrain more detail, and (after several missing steps) we have the near finished board below!

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The fields are the good old fashioned coir doormats - made 'famous' in my trench board. The bridge was sanded, painted grey and drybruhsed for a basic but effective finish. The plastic plants have since been toned down and the fences further stained. The river bed was given an additional layer of sand also.

It is nearly done I think! Just need to do some water effects and a final layer of sealant in the form of PVA glue.

What do you guys think?

Der H

Project Update - Blood and Plunder Terrain

This weekend was certainly a terrain-heavy weekend!

These hills have been drybrushed and static grass-ed. I used a mixture of light and mid tones with mid tone 2mm and light tone 4mm static grass. They've also had a dusting of dark tone flock to fill gaps and I think it gives it a nice balance between light/Pirate themed sunny terrain and being "too light".

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2017-08-05 21.16.08.jpg

With a ship for scale! I think my next job will be a few tufts, and then making a flexible ocean terrain mat...what's that? What's in this B&Q bag? Canvas? Caulk? hmmmmmm whatever could this be for....

Der H