Pledges - September 2017

One of the recurring features of this blog will be the Pledges! Each month we shall each make a pledge of a unit, character or other project from our endless hoards of grey and have them finished by the end of the month!

Last month Der H completed Lord Commander Eidolon, whilst Brother Handro bashed out a whole XV25 stealth suit team...

...lets see what we have this month! 

Der H

I Der H, do humbly pledge to complete my Bolt Action winter terrain AND my Blood and Plunder Sloop! (Brother Handro: It's been sat there long enough!)


Brother Handro

 I Brother Handro, do pledge to complete one TX4 Piranha, as the Cadre compels me. (And as a test run for vehicle schemes!)


Lets see if we can make it 2 for 2!


Necromunda announcement!

I know, I know...we aren't a news site, but I am super excited about this!

I previously discussed Necromunda here in detail, and guesstimated a release date of November - looks like the rumour was right!



The team at warhammer community have released a post covering the new game in a little more detail.

The first detail is that it is released in November - enough time to get at least SOME of the other projects done! 

The core set has a few surprises and a few clarifications to previous uncertainties .


Templates seem to be present - this is interesting in and of itself. The game is, reportedly, based in 8th Edition. 8th Edition, famously, did away with templates but clearly that is changed in this game. Likely due to the game being character based rather than unit based I imagine. 

Terrain is good to see! Andy mentioned in our chat that there was no plastic terrain in the box but that it was 'ready to play', quite why I/we didn't think of ALL of the other boxed releases with their printed card stock tiles I do not know (Brother Handro:  "Your mind is going soft!" ). The tiles look pretty modular/interchangeable - shame it isn't multi-level but that can be a future project when I buy some MDF terrain/sector mechanicum terrain! 


I can't help. It notice the Zone Mortalis similarities in there tiles - boarding actions ho! 


Gangs are as expected, with a nice clarification from GW with them confirming that "  both these gangs will be full, multi-part kits, with an enormous level of customisation". 

They go on to details the inclusion of "Chen weapons" for Escher and industrial machinery for Goliaths - exciting times. 


The scope and detail look truly inspiring, they even mention each ganger having options including " grenades, gas masks, additional armour and even modular hairstyles".

Whatever the cost, I imagine this will sell like hot cakes and no doubt the Hobby Butterflies will be investing in a few sets! 

Roll on November!! 

Der H

August 2017 - Pledges Update

Well here we have it!  A whole month of this blog and our first pledges are complete.

For those that forget, we listed out pledges here.

In summary Der H pledged to paint Lord Commander Eidolon for the glory of the IIIrd Legion, whilst Brother Handro pledged to paint an XV25 Stealthsuit team, with homing beacon and Markerlight drone in the name of the Vior’la sept (Brother Handro: "The Cadre commands it!").

We BOTH finished it! (Der H: "Stop ringing that fucking bell alright....we know we know, shame etc")

Der H

Brother Handro

Stay tuned for tomorrow's announcement - Pledges for September!

Der H & Brother Handro

Handro - Pledge Complete - XV25 Stealthsuit Team

It is done. Step one on what will hopefully be a long and fairly productive road to hobby progressville. Pledge 1 was the mountainous molehill that we had to get over else we lose ourselves 'midst a sea of sprues and broken army lists. I painted some models, like.


Despite repeated urging from Der H to attempt a crazy 'stealth field engaging' look, I just went for the normal Vior'la scheme. It looks good, is fairly simple to pull off and crucially gives that clean, hi-tech look that is the Tau's signature. Also painting a new scheme on a model that's bigger than their standard infantryman is a nice way to ease yourself into a new army.

Fusion Blasters - For cooking things at medium range!

Fusion Blasters - For cooking things at medium range!


I'm branching out from modelling sand/train ballast with GW's Armageddon Dunes and Dust for my basing. (These guys have Dust). It's a nightmare to apply to bases with models already attached but I'm lazy like that. (Finished models, not award-winning ones!) It comes out well with a coupe of drybrushings.

SAM_0734.JPG pledge down, several more to go (hopefully!). Something vehicular next methinks...



Thought for the day; 'Listen not to the alien, look not upon the alien, speak not unto the alien!' 

Cheering myself up - AKA SHAME

Well...I would say it was going well, but that children is what we call a lie!  



Package 1 of 2 from Warlord Games, adding to (or starting!) my Konflikt Soviets. I love Tank War, and love T-34s so why not add to my unpainted army; 

- 10 Soviet heavy infantry

- T-34/ZP

- PzIV


Part of this purchase is to convert up a T-34-88 as seen above, more details to follow!

I managed to cock up my initial order but the guys at Warlord are AMAZING, and Lorenzo sorted out my order in minutes on the phone. 

Great customer service, 5*, can't fault them, not sponsored....they're just that awesome!! 

Anywho, where were we? Oh yes... 


Der H 

Der H - Pledge Complete - Lord Commander Eidolon

Welp, after a whole day of hobbying with my good buddy Brother Handro, I can now call my monthly pledge complete.

This month, and every month from here on, Brother Handro and I are pledging to complete something from our hobby wall of shame in order to justify this whole exercise.

For August Brother Handro pledged to paint an XV25 Stealthsuit team, with homing beacon and some form of drone - After today these look pretty near finished, so keep an eye out for those!

I pledged the rather meagre-sounding challenge of completing Lord Commander Eidolon of the Emperors Children, and so it has come to pass...

2017-08-28 17.20.39.jpg

As with some of my previous projects (that I might get around to talking about...) I have magnetised the arms, head and backpack to allow complete customisation of the model (Der H: "Just in case....").

2017-08-28 16.58.28.jpg

I have stayed pretty close to the Forge World scheme. The golds are a variant of my usual gold scheme, but I added Druchii Violet for the first time...I think it works.

The face was always going to be an issue as they are my weakest area of painting. This has altogether too many layers if I'm honest, but the final result is OK. Saying that, at least my camera recognises it as a face!

2017-08-28 17.03.42.jpg

Overall I am reasonably happy with this character. What I am VERY happy about is that despite a pretty shit month in terms of real life events (even before my Kitten was run over) I have still managed to find some time to sit down, relax, and spend some time engaging in my hobby - It can't all be that bad then really can it...

Stay tuned for updates from Brother Handro on his August pledge, plans for the September pledge, and more general madness over the next few weeks.

Der H

Thought for the day: "The price of perfection is prohibitive" (Watch the video here!)

Project Update - Lord Commander Eidolon

I actually got some more painting done yesterday!

Naturally Lyro (my smaller cat) wanted company so we had to sit and paint together.

2017-08-26 17.51.50.jpg

I got some more paint on Eidolon. Still a long way to go but I've almost blocked out the colours.

2017-08-26 18.14.40.jpg

Ive gone for a pretty standard theme. Gold trim is a pain - or rather it was until I opened my new gold and suddenly it worked - still have some tidying up to do before washes/highlights etc.

2017-08-26 18.14.57.jpg

Ive gone for a black pad on the right. It will have silver studs on the gold rim and the III symbol. Laurels will be white to tie in with the laurels on his chest and his hair.

What do you guys think? Im hoping to get this finished tomorrow so look out for an update then!

Der H

Project - Der H's Custodes

Bit of a crap week this little cat, Sam, was hit by a car and killed on Monday. Died instantly, no pain, didn't suffer, etc, etc. Our other cat has been looking for him and needing a lot of support so not had much hobby time.

Sam when he was about 12 weeks old. He would be one year old next month.

Sam when he was about 12 weeks old. He would be one year old next month.

My wife and I have been supporting each other and trying to distract ourselves (and Lyro, our other younger kitten). I haven't managed to paint anything, but did sit down and build for a few hours to distract myself.

I'd seen some great conversions of Ixion with shield (see below) or with different weapon options, and If you've watched the video/read my earlier blog post then you'll know I intended to use some small magnets to given him the shield option.I didn't have any magnets small enough, so a small 1mm brass rod has served well enough.

Ixion Hale with shield - Marcel Kinrade found here

Ixion Hale with shield - Marcel Kinrade found here

The project started with some VERY careful drilling and dry fitting to make sure I could preserve Ixion Hale as is.

2017-08-17 14.03.59.jpg
2017-08-17 14.04.17.jpg

Few pictures of the options!

What do you think guys? Good use of spare plastics?

I've also built my Aquilon pattern terminators. Need a bit of gap filling, might get to that over the bank holiday!

2017-08-17 14.43.50.jpg
2017-08-17 15.24.05.jpg
2017-08-17 15.24.34.jpg

....and finally I have my plastic Custodes built (Brother Handro: "How long have you had these now?.....")

2017-08-17 20.07.41.jpg
2017-08-17 20.08.16.jpg
2017-08-17 20.08.36.jpg

 I went for 4 with spears, 1 with standard and sword, and 5 with sword and shield. One of them has a magnetised arm with a converted chaos power talon - I'm not sure if I like this given how nice the actual talons are...I have a Blood Angel power fist somewhere that I might convert to a claw instead...more bling and all that!

2017-08-17 20.09.38.jpg

What do you guys think? check out a video for Ixion and the Terminators below:

Hoping to get some more painting done - end-of-the-month pledge rush and all that!

Der H

Thought for the day: "Yime spent with cats is never wasted"