Pledges - October 2017

(Der H: "Lets go for three in a row shall we!")

Well guys, two completed months in and we keep...buying things! But don't worry, we also keep finishing things too!

Last month I finally finished my Blood and Plunder Sloop and my Winter Terrain set, whilst Brother Handro finished a superb looking Tau TX4!

The shame train keeps on running, (Brother Handro: "more posts on that soon!") but so long as we keep finishing our pledges....well, it is easier to ignore...

With that in mind, let's get to next month!

Der H

I, Der H, do hereby and herein solemnly swear, on my honour and worthiness as an Able Seaman, to complete both my Blood and Plunder Brigantine and Frigate, else I be condemned to the locker of Davy Jones.

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2017-10-01 17.04.14.jpg

Brother Handro

I, Brother Handro, swear to complete one TY7 Devilfish of the Vior'la Sept, else I besmirch the honour of the Fire Caste.



Fingers crossed at making it three-for-three!

Der H & Brother Handro

The Hobby Butterflies

Thought for the day: "Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane."



September 2017 - Pledges Update

Two whole months! TWO! We actually managed to keep our pledges for two months. To think, in that time we've almost painted more than we bought......(Brother Handro: "Erm....probably not...." Der H: "Shhhhhhh!")

For those that forget what we pledged, take a look here.

I, Der H, pledged to complete my Bolt Action winter terrain AND my Blood and Plunder Sloop , whilst Brother Handro pledged to complete one TX4 Piranha

We BOTH finished our pledges again!

Der H

Brother Handro

Stay tuned for tomorrow's announcement - Pledges for October!

Der H & Brother Handro

Battlefleet Gothic - How we started!

(Der H: "You know what?.....I love Battlefleet Gothic!")

(Brother Handro: "That's tell me most days....")

(Der H: "No, but like....really LOVE it!")

This month, we will be running a series of articles on Battlefleet Gothic!

It is true...whilst I claim to have been tempted back to war gaming by the lure of Space hulk (Brother Handro: "Did you actually ever FINISH any of that box you bought.....?") I rapidly bought into the idea of playing BFG.

A quick Ebay search gave me my starter box, an of course Brother Handro's magic cupboard of doom yielded more and more goodies. Back in 2012, GDubs still sold some BFG, albeit limited, and I caved in and bought some of my favourite ships (Wait for my Voss Pattern blog post in a few weeks!). We cobbled together a narrative to link in with our narrative campaign, The Siege of Grandia (we'll get to that one day honest!), and we got to work building our fleets!

Our first battle was slow, to put it bluntly. Never having played before It did take some time to get our heads around it. We're both fans of the Age of Sail, and the idea that a broadside to broadside was less accurate than shooting at a closing ship (i.e. narrower target) was a little jarring at first. (Brother Handro: "And forgetting to brace....don't forget that!").

Our first game placed my Strike Cruiser, Dictator class cruiser, Enforcer and 6 Falchions against Brother Handro's Imperial fleet. We played a good old convoy assault style mission.


I deployed in a line, because why not! Brother Handro is sporting a number of converted ship designs (Der H: "They might just feature in an upcoming blog post!") and, currently, trying to make transports go faster than the Imperial fleet ships!


Here you can see a number of paint schemes, with two converted heavy transports on the right, three Armed freighters/escort carriers/Q-Ships (Grey) and four standard freighters.


Handro's escorts sweep in to intercept. We really enjoy the movement system, and the role of ordnance (Der H: "especially with no Tau players....<Stares at Handro>") with its area denial role is really something.


The satisfaction when you can really hit some escorts hard...


...and the pain when one of your ships gets hit again, and again, and again....but more on the fateful Milunia later....

I've kept Brother Handro's ships out of this post for now....that will come later!

Keep your eyes peeled for more coverage of our experience of BFG over the coming weeks including articles on:

- My Emperors Children fleet

- Brother Handro's Imperial fleet

- My scratch builds

- My Eldar fleet

- My, as yet, unfinished ships (CLANG!)

- Coverage of some of the old Warp Rift and BFG magazine articles

- BFG Terrain

- Some how-to's for conversions


Der H


Project: Der H's September pledge - Blood and Plunder Sloop

Behold! It is finished!

2017-09-27 20.35.01.jpg

All it took really was some washes, some dry-brushing, and then some more washes!

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2017-09-27 20.35.25.jpg

I went for quite a muted theme, with a dark green and dark brown. The lantern has a slight yellow glow - hard to see here.

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The decking looked a little boring, but a nuln oil wash really brought out the detail, it gathered very nicely in the edges too, blending it all together. The anchor and the tiller both received a heavy dry-brush of bronze over the black base colour - it makes them distinct from the black painted wooden rails.

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The ship is rigged with the elastic cord provided by Firelock, and white foam paper was used for the sails. This holds a shape nicely and is hard wearing.

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2017-09-27 20.36.03.jpg

In a flurry of progress I managed to get my long boats done. Initially I was going to colour them to match the ships, but with No Peace Beyond the Line coming next year I wanted to make them generic enough to be used for any/all factions.

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2017-09-27 20.36.00.jpg

And with that my Pledge for September is complete! What do you think guys?

Der H