Pledges - August 2017

One of the recurring features of this blog will be the Pledges!  

In 2016, TheHobbyButterflies took park in the Bolter and Chainsword ETL. It was a summer of fantastic progress and we actually made some in roads into the legions of grey.

This year there is no ETL, and we fear we will not make the same progress without some incentive!

Each month we shall each make a pledge of a unit, character or other project from our endless hoards of grey and have them finished by the end of the month!

Let us begin! 

Der H

I Der H, do humbly pledge to paint Lord Commander Eidolon by no later than the 1st September in the name of the Phoenician and for the glory of the IIIrd Legion.

Brother Handro

 I Brother Handro, do pledge to paint an XV25 Stealthsuit team, with homing beacon and some form of drone, by no later than the 1st September, in the name of the Vior’la sept. The Cadre commands it!


Let's see how it goes!