What a preview! I made a point of watching this for the Titan reveal, but was pleasantly surprised by the content! Lets do the Titan first!
Adeptus Titanicus

This chonky boi is the Warmaster titan. Larger than the Warlord, it is HUGE. the weapons are described as:
Two Suzerain-pattern Plasma Destructors
Revelator Missile Launcher
Ardex Defensor Cannons
Lascannon Knees! - The strange look of this reflects the old Jes Goodwin art - see below!
Scale-wise, Warhammer Community include this image, and suggested it is not far off the size of 28mm knights - Chonky Boi indeed!
The new book, closely followed by its traitor equivalent, covers 16 titan legions and 12 knight houses that are loyal to the Imperium. (Der H: “Boooooo!”)
Legio Metalica, perchance?
Power creep aside, the inclusion of this bad boy is likely in each of our legios. A single Warmaster, two Warlords, and the rabble that follow will have a nice symmetry I suppose! I dare say the Loyalist Legios book will be bought….after all, House Mortimer are loyalists….
40k - Kill team & Sisters of Battle
After the hype of 9th edition, and a hastily bought Indomitus box, Der H’s Necrons have been relegated to a black basecoated mass in a box in a cupboard (Brother Handro: “Oh…the one with the sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the leopard’). But now, they can have some friends!
The box looks great, some nice Necron models in there, and some Intercessors that can…..sit unbuilt…forever…

The Flayed Ones were never my cup of chai, but they do look nice, and the box combined with terrain might make a good entry point for newer players! with Kill Team as a gateway purchase….oh G’dubs you smart old bean!

Fantasy and the Cursed City
So alas, the Old World and Mordheim did not re-appear…but a new Warhammer Quest has been announced, and Underworlds saw some gorgeous sculpts that might even be usable in the Grim Dark of 30k!

I didnt really feel drawn into the main AoS section, but the vampires and the Cursed City really tugged at my coat tails! The new totally-not-Mordheim box might be an interesting way to get into….well…Mordheim….if only I could tempt a certain person…then I can spend my time building fantasy houses…..(Brother Handro: “and dropping them down the stairs….”)
And that is it for the Preview! Some amazing reveals, one of which will get bought pretty sharpish (Brother Handro: “Paint. Your. Damn. TITANS!!!”), and some which we might just dodge…