This month has, once again, been busy. An additional escalation to ICU (#COVIDisstillathing) meant that hobby was less plentiful this month…doesn’t mean it didn’t happen though!
The Gloriana rides…
For long term readers, or those on insta, you’ll know I’ve been working on BFG ships (a range available on Cults3D and Thingiverse!).
The Gloriana class ships from the stories of the Horus Heresy have been a popular and much requested class.
February saw the first public draft of my multipart Gloriana. With two hulls, many prows and a set of interchangeable weapon bays this set should fill a gap in the market for all with a 3D printer!
Some brave soul has already built one with feedback:
“This model was exquisite to print and build. The creator should be really proud of their work here. I am extremely happy with how it came out. I had very few failed prints. I think the gun decks are best printed vertically instead of diagonally as I did them. Also, be careful of pooling in your crevasces... make sure to bathe this print very well and maybe shake each one vigorously to get the liquid out.
One design note for the creator is that the gun decks are just a bit too wide. I'll likely have to shave these down to get them both to fit (see picture). Otherwise, I really can't say anything bad about this one. Excellent work.”

GrimDark Terrain
My Review of GrimDark Terrain was not just bluster…it’s truly amazing!
I’ve been printing more train parts than is perhaps reasonable with the plan of filling out the Grandia table we have planned.
GDT has recently moved from Patreon to its own website here. The reasons are complex, but fair, and the transition has been smooth as!
As well as the train I’ve been printing pylons, wagons, track and some custom additions (epic-scale tanks!) to make Grandia look like it is preparing for war!

…not just buying it!
Ive been steadily progressing through my Legio Fureans and am merrily painting flames on everything I can! A good buddy (Who many know on insta here) gave me two more warlord weapons…just adding to the pile…but I’m looking forward to getting my first Titans done some time in March!

3D Modelling
The HobbyButterflies 3D continues to grow, with some recent updates to Destroyer pads, arms and some more ships. The latest work is on a version of the pads seen on the Forgeworld Praetor - the MKIII ornate pads.
Current WIP versions include raptor imperialis, palatine blade, and Word Bearers…with World Eaters close in tow! Watch this space…

This next month is a little quieter, and so hopefully I’ll be able to get my teeth stuck in again, and hopefully get a few more projects completed! (Brother Handro: “wash your mouth out…”)
Stay tuned and keep an eye on our Instagram pages for day to day progress!