…apparently its 2022
In what is becoming a Hobby Butterflies tradition, we’re winding back up into a new (shinier?) year. 2021 saw a flurry of activity on the hobby front early on, and a number of events to round it off. A busy year for non-hobby too, the blog slowed (Brother Handro: “Stopped…the word is stopped”) around March. The eagle eyed will have noted our instagram progress continued, with each of us bouncing around at the 900 follower mark.
Instagram is hugely encouraging, both as a log of our own personal progress for reflection at the end of a year, but as a driver to push on an get things to that fabled state of ‘painted’ (Der H: “#fullypaintedisforclosers as they say…”)
Both Handro and I managed to get to some events in 2021…somehow!
We started post lockdown with a slow grow Iron Warriors vs Imperial fists ZM series. The drive of future games once again serving to push us to Purge the Grey (Brother Handro: “You had it easy with silver marines….not like my yellow slog!”)

After these games we thought “Should we take an army we already have to an event….or shall we go mental and start new armies…”
Read about our exploits in the upcoming reviews of…
The Fall of Damochan
Death Throes of Tirna Smarag
This year…
Now we’re into a new year, with slowly easing COVID restrictions, and the prospect of a more predictable working pattern for Der H, we’re going to start up the blog again. Look out for:
Monthly Challenges/Pledges
Progress posts
Event write-ups
Shame posts…
Der H & Brother Handro