Pride comes before the fall….it would seem…
As Der H laughs in completed January, Brother Handro ploughs on and smashes his goals out of the park! Although Der H has managed admirably, this month clearly belongs to the hordes of yellow painted by Handro. Behold our completions below:
Brother Handro
1) 5 Imperial Fists legion Veterans and 1 generic legion Consul.
The Vets and the consul (pulling duty as either a Praevian or Master of Signal usually) were finished with no trouble.
I knocked out 2 quad-heavy bolter Rapier teams (crew) and 1 actual Rapier, as well as 2 extra Veterans. Additionally, 2 Strike Cruisers and a Battle Barge for them to cruise around in were brought up to a tabletop standard. For Dorn!, etc, etc….
Der H
February saw me bite off more than I could chew (Brother Handro: “…wait till they hear next month!”)
1) 10 Legion Destroyers
This is my real shame…these boys had zero work afforded them. The models I’ve had for over 12 months (Brother Handro: “Does that narrow it down that much? You must be bad at Guess Who…”) had a flurry of progress in January but have since remained unfinished…much shame.
2) 12 Clan Pestilens Skaven
Now we’re talking! These bad boys were smashed out in record time along with 6 Warp Stone tokens. They then proceeded to not all die in their first day of Mordheim games. Next up will need to be some giant rats and a slightly premature Rat Ogre. More games are due this Sunday so watch this space for an upcoming review of Mordheim here.

3) Arcworlde Manticore (and finishing the base on the Briar Elk)
I have to say that Arcworlde by Warp miniatures is a great little game, and has some stunning miniatures that I’m not quite sure I do justice, but this was a fun and very different palate cleanser for me this month. Knocked out in 1-2 sessions I tried to take some cues from snow leopards as this manticore is from the Troubles in the North set. I also finished the basing on the Briar Elk. I love the set of monsters that accompany the Wild Elves, Believe it or not the blue actually glows in the dark….in case it comes up.

It has to be said, I wasnt idle this month…there is A LOT in the works, and I did complete a number of other bits for a Zone Mortalis Game with Brother Handro, including:
4 large ZM doors
7 small ZM doors
8 consoles for doors
8 servo skulls
1 Battlefleet Gothic Ordo Reductor Galleass - Artaxerxes 4-2-7
2 BFG Fireships
1 BFG Q-Ship
3 BFG Armed Freighters
3 BFG objective consoles