
Project: Stalingrad board Ideas

For some time, Brother Handro and I have wanted to build a Stalingrad board....but Stalingrad has buildings, and roads, and rubble, and trains....and is generally...difficult.

Here are a selection of my key thoughts and my first steps with this process!

First off is the iconic fountain.


This iconic fountain from Stalingrad has been nicely replicated in 28mm by Puppets war, and can be found here. I already have this, and so of course will be using it for this project.


Next is the trains/train yard. I love the look of this train below:


I helpfully heard of some cheap plastic, battery powered train sets for sale in a local bargain store and went out to buy two of these sets. They are pretty basic but have some details. I think with some damage, some heavy weathering and a nice big star on the front they will do nicely!

2017-09-05 14.56.02.jpg
2017-09-16 13.19.54.jpg

Finally I need an idea for the layout. For this I will be looking through top down images of Stalingrad to find some ideas and inspiration.

Im hoping to make a 4x4 or 4x6 board for this project, modularity might be sacrificed for the greater good, but 4 2'x2' boards could work too! Watch this space!

Der H