
Handro's Orky Gubbinz

Wherein Handro realises he’s simply got too much Orky stuff…

Hey guys, remember me?

Hey guys, remember me?

Alright, so with the Gorkamorka push on the front foot, I thought it only natural to massively overreach myself by attempting to kickstart my mechanised Ork army (Der H ‘I thought we weren’t allowed to talk about them?’). an abandoned, over-ambitious project (never!) from the mists of, ooh, say 2017, probably.

‘We’’s ready, where’s da rest ov da boyz?’

‘We’’s ready, where’s da rest ov da boyz?’

The plan is hopefully just plug away with larger units in the background whilst ostensibly ploughing on with Gorkamorka stuff, i.e. if I need to paint 7 boyz up for my mob, 3-4 more for a full unit is a no-brainer. If I want a new trukk/buggy (Der H ‘truggy?’) or a bike for a gang member, I might paint up (read, ‘start’) all my vehicles at once, or a unit of 3 bikes…

Killa Kanz!

Killa Kanz!

Hmm, you know what? I feel a list (of shame) coming on…

Fings what are unda way:





3 bikes

Garok’s Gangerz (Morka gang ~4 models)

3 Killa Kanz

Looted Tank

15 Stormboyz + Zagstruk

5 Burnas, 5 Lootas

Deff Dred

3 Meganobz

Deffkilla Warbike

Boomdakka Snazzwagon

Big Mek w/ Shokk Attack Gun

Fings what av paint on ‘em:

Shoota Boyz squad

Warboss, squig + 10 Nobz

Runtherd + 10 Gretchin (although I still can’t find them!)


Wazbom Blastajet (undercoated, still counts!)

Fings what ain’t even built yet:

Snikrot + Kommandos

3 more bikes

~10 Boyz

12 Snap-fit Boyz, for conversion

Flash Gitz

Fings what are ready ta fight!

Nob + 10 Slugga Boyz

So yeah, hopefully that last section might grow. A bit. Possibly.

Ork Bosswagon Conversion

Wherein Handro attempts to mount a Battlewagon's track assembly to a Trukk chassis...

Taking shape...

Taking shape...

Unsurprisingly, the Ork Trukk isn't designed to take a Battlewagon's track assembly, providing only the notches for its own two rear axles. I used the axles, judiciously cut up and fully pinned for sturdiness but also carrying most of the track weight, seeing as the tracks don't make much connection to the body. I then finished off the transmission with a length of plastic rod.

Underneath view showing transmission and axle assembly.

Underneath view showing transmission and axle assembly.

You may know that the Battlewagon's front wheels are the 'big' size, like the rear two sets on the Trukk. This means you have to use the 'big' size on the Trukk's front axle to match the track assembly, as the tracks cannot be mounted high enough to accept the 'small' wheels due to the flatbed. I couldn't find an ideal way of mounting the 'big' wheels beyond greenstuffing them to the axle and using copious amount of superglue. It holds!

Extended flat bed assembly.

Extended flat bed assembly.

The rear bed extension was simply a task of sawing a flatbed from another Trukk (wait for my upcoming Buggy conversions!) and gluing it to the end of this one, greenstuffing the gap and gluing in a couple of sprue braces underneath for strength. Voila, a Trukk that looks like it might carry more than three Boyz!
Then you're able to glue in two sets of side panels. I filled the gaps in front of them (personally I think the boarding planks look too big, and they aren't a thing in 8th anyway) with sawed-off boarding plank pieces.

Front view...plenty left to do!

Front view...plenty left to do!

The front as yet lacks much detail beyond the cut down Dakkajet top plate, a nice feature I found in an image search. Kudos to whomever came up with that idea. It will be getting some form of ram and/or front plate, headlights and then a sprinkling of gubbinz to make it feel lived in. A gunner might help too. Watch this space!



The O-Word

That's Orks, obviously...

Everything's better with tracks!

Everything's better with tracks!

...what did you think I meant?

So it's a bit of a long-running joke here on the blog that we don't mention my Orks, but no longer! Consider 2018 a Xenos-friendly year! 

Cobbled together rear suspension/drivetrain...dead orky! (And composed mainly of tears and swearing!)

Cobbled together rear suspension/drivetrain...dead orky! (And composed mainly of tears and swearing!)

Orks are just made for kitbashing and converting, this is just a teaser of the orky goodness I hope to deliver!



Thought for the day'Green iz best!'