
New website features...

New year….sort of new site

Brother Handro: “I mean, its not really new…”

Der H: “Meh…”

In 2021 we decided to accept certain things:

1) Instagram is where the hobby is…

2) We don’t use some features here

3) We want to have this site as a place to put blog posts

4) Out wall of shame is so out of date it isn’t even funny

As such, here are some current, and some proposed, changes :

1) The gallery

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The old gallery was a random collection of "some pictures” rather than what we’re actually doing! The new Gallery page has our last 20 posts as a grid, with links to our pages. That’s it. Gallery done…

2) The home page

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This was a little tweak rather than anything else. The search bar is now up top, and the last 5 posts below. There is still the link to older posts, and the format here has also changed…

3) The Archive

Screenshot_2021-01-20 Blog-Archive — The Hobby Butterflies.png

This was previously an endless (Brother Handro: “Dont flatter yourself…”) list of previous posts, but now it is by month and year…much easier!

4) The wall of shame

This hasnt changed, yet….we need to take inventory…..this might take a while…

5) About us…

For now this will stay, until we find a better use for it!

6) Hot links bar

The links section has been tweaked as well: we have more of them!

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From left to right we have THB Instagram, Brother Handros Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, YouTube, Cults 3D, and Thingiverse…..quite a list of socials….we arn’t on TikTok…don’t ask (Brother Handro: “Are we really ‘on’ YouTube”)

7) HB-3D

This is a recent re-branding of Der H’s 3D kitbashing…for more details, check out the links, or the blog post here.

That’s about it I think….Let us know if you particularly like, or dislike, anything. Stay tuned for more Hobby Butterflies madness!

We have awoken!

Good lord it has been a long time again! It’s nearly the end of May, and we’ve not posted anything since November! Since then there has been much painting (Brother Handro: Ha!), two events, and a great deal of buying!

The time has come to try harder to deliver some more frequent content to motivate our progress through our respective (Der H: ever expanding…) legions of grey.

Der H is now post-exam, with NO MORE EXAMS in the foreseeable future (Brother Handro: I’ve heard that before) and now that real life is a little more settled, has promptly bought more models than sin.

Brother Handro has, again, flitted between several options, but has fleshed out the Sons of Horus to an extent never seen in our little hobby bubble (Der H: Don’t forget your rapidly expanding Instagram account Brother! Brother Handro: Linky linky)

We’ve been quite happy dishing out tempting pictures on Instagram, but haven’t really frequented our own blog…today that changes!

The plan…

Over the coming weeks we’re going to be more diligent at posting our exploits, starting with a veritable plethora of posts due this weekend when we attend…

https _cdn.evbuc.com_images_57312283_187242224480_1_original.20190223-161911.jpg

We’re heading down this Friday for a fun-filled weekend of Heresy gaming, and the old allegiance of the Sons of Horus and the Emperors Children will be put to the test (Brother Handro: Not really a ‘fair’ test though is it….). We’re planning on discussing our list over the weekend, and already have a sneak peek of some of the competition through our operatives (Der H: Ok…its Facebook), but more on this in our Throne of Skulls - prelude post later this week.

Following that we will be reviewing the much anticipated Battle report app MyMiniReport when it is released this week. This is much anticipated so head over to their Kickstarter for details of the (now closed) campaign, or head to their forum for general chatter.

Going forwards…

Following that we have a huge backlog of blog posts to churn through, from a review of the December 2018 Scouring of Melos event hosted by the Road to Terra Podcast, to a look forwards to their next event in July. We will discuss Der H’s exploits in Durham at the Company of Legends, and will be going through and showing all the lovely plastic/resin crack we’ve been buying…

In the mean time check our our official Instagram here…

…and Brother Handro’s instagram here…

Der H & Brother Handro

Thought for the day: “Heresy grows from idleness”