Legio Fureans

So Adeptus Titanicus is finally returned, and I am here for it!

[Brother Handro:   “you took your time...”  ] 

Exams and really life issues  took priority so it sat UNOPENED for weeks. Finally, after a busy Hobby Day with Brother Handro, I can claim some progress! 


The sprues themselves are a thing of beauty! 


Slowly taking shape...


Titans are amongst us! 


The building kits are simultaneously amazing and infuriating; they have a degree of interchangeability but several combinations simply won’t work. I focussed on a huge building with the large walls, and small buildings with the small walls. Brother Handro did the opposite. Hopefully this will give us an array of buildings to use for our upcoming games!


The shame grows! A quick, post shift, trip to Element Games resulted in some re-enforcements to the Legio, as well as a fan of lead belcher....because who has time to paint silver for days...

I’ve decided on Fureans for my Legion. Good true traitors, and suits my Kill Kill Kill tactics! The black books are full of reference images... 


Just need to learn to paint now....if only there was some way of doing it...*furiously orders stencils* 

Der H