Legio Fureans

So Adeptus Titanicus is finally returned, and I am here for it!

[Brother Handro:   “you took your time...”  ] 

Exams and really life issues  took priority so it sat UNOPENED for weeks. Finally, after a busy Hobby Day with Brother Handro, I can claim some progress! 


The sprues themselves are a thing of beauty! 


Slowly taking shape...


Titans are amongst us! 


The building kits are simultaneously amazing and infuriating; they have a degree of interchangeability but several combinations simply won’t work. I focussed on a huge building with the large walls, and small buildings with the small walls. Brother Handro did the opposite. Hopefully this will give us an array of buildings to use for our upcoming games!


The shame grows! A quick, post shift, trip to Element Games resulted in some re-enforcements to the Legio, as well as a fan of lead belcher....because who has time to paint silver for days...

I’ve decided on Fureans for my Legion. Good true traitors, and suits my Kill Kill Kill tactics! The black books are full of reference images... 


Just need to learn to paint now....if only there was some way of doing it...*furiously orders stencils* 

Der H 

Instagram progress!

So, real life is in the way again. Der H is approaching his last (Der H:   “hopefully...”  ) post grad exam, and Brother Handro is merrily churning through thousands and thousands of points of Sons of Horus before Decembers  Scouring of Melos event in Stockport. 

This will be our first ever event weekend - late to the party as ever - and will see Brother Handro’s SoH and Der H’s EC battle it out with 18 other North-West heresy fanboys. Having played some of these guys before we’re expecting tough competition. The whole thing is organised by the Road to Terra guys; they’re awesome guys so check out their podcast.


There has been some! 

Brother Handro has been merrily painting his SoH. 33 infantry this week, and 33 to go....(Brother Handro:   “....and the vehicles” )


Meanwhile, Der H has been assembling Phoenix Terminators....after the mammoth task of relocating his modelling desk out of the city of Rapture...aka the basement of damp.... 


Hopefully it all come together for December! 

Check out our pages on Instagram:

@brotherhandro and @thehobbybutterflies 


Brother Handro & Der H 

Progress! ETL Progress

We actually had a hobby day! Brother Handro made some progress on his new knights, and I pushed on with my ETL vow! 


Gorgeous sunny day in Manchester so we were outside, made the paint dry faster!! 

Six jetbikes near finished! They all had Halfords grey primer, then a three stage airbrush (dark/mid/light purples and a wash) then silver.  After that it’s gold and brass with details. 

Six jetbikes near finished! They all had Halfords grey primer, then a three stage airbrush (dark/mid/light purples and a wash) then silver.  

After that it’s gold and brass with details. 

The majority of the jetbikes use a white triangle on the front armour plate:



Whilst the Sergeant has a band instead: 



I have plans for a champion on jetbike so stay tuned!! 

 Der H & Brother Handro

Summer 2018 - Pledges, the ETL, and life in general!

Well that was a long month! For once, I've made no progress because I've been on call or away for every weekend for the last 5!

April's pledge for me was a complete non-starter. With Land Rover woes [Brother Handro: "Joys of classic motoring right?"] and work it just didn't happen. May has also been empty so far, mainly due to weekends out of the country, or certainly out of the basement!

Life overall is getting better, but still very changeable!

To top this off, I have a post grad exam coming up which is costly - in both time and money (£1000 worth to be precise!).


Brother Handro and I have been talking - rarely, but it happens! - and have a plan: for the summer we will have no Hobby Butterfly Pledges. Instead, given a love of a certain forum, we will engage in the ever popular...

=][= E Tenebrae Lux VI =][=

...without further ado!

Der H

I Der H rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX with my IIIrd Legion and vow to complete 6 Scimitar Jetbikes as a Sky Hunter Squadron, with a sky Hunter Sgt with Phoenix power spear on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will redeem my honour whilst failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker and bring shame upon my Legion.

My pledge can be found here and my progress can be found on my Bolter and Chainsword plod here.

Brother Handro



May the forces or the warp, the Warmaster, the Emperor, or mighty Slaanesh guide our way!

Brother Handro & Der H

March 2018 - Pledges Complete

Behold! I FINALLY finished something!

Der H

Some time ago...I, Der H, pledged to build, prime and paint to completion my conversion of Lucius "Soulthief", "Fulgrim's Champion", "Blade of Aeons", "Scion of Chemos" or, as he who would become known, "the Eternal"....and so it has come to pass!

2018-03-28 20.16.57.jpg

Brother Handro

Meanwhile, I, Brother Handro, pledged to paint 10 Slugga Boyz and a Nob....



I'm actually really pleased with how the Boyz turned out...less pleased with how many more I still have to knock out...



WIP - IIIrd Legion Librarian

During the hobby day this week I made  start on my IIIrd Legion Librarian conversion.

A relatively simple conversion, it’s a few pad changes, a Phoenix spear, and a new (god specific) summoned daemon.

The work so far is all around that daemon and the associated flame effect. 

Brother Handro helped me with the choice of flame colour, colour therory suggesting green (Der H:   “Good shout Brother!”  ) 



Earlier stages!



Near completion.


I aimed for a bright green flame at the claw, with a fade to black smoke around the daemonette. This merged with her robes, also black, and provided a clean backdrop for the silver armour and pale skin. 



Still needs some work, but it’s getting there!



Der H 

WIP - Lucius (aka by the Almighty Emperor, painting!?)

It’s finally happening, Der H is painting something!

Today saw a flourish of progress from both Brother Handro and I - more on Brother Handro’s progress another time!

Lucius is more than just purple! 



An early wash saw me set me off slowly - needing to let washes dry has delayed many a project!



Other projects always need some paint too!



Not much in the way of WIP pictures - I often think models look much worse before they look better - but here we are with all colours blocked out, just waiting a few more details, highlights, and other finishing bits!


Stay tuned for the completion in the next week or so!!

Der H