WIP - Der H's Pledge - Lucius

What! There is actually an update...


It turns out that there is actually life in my basement yet....and my cat will certainly find it and try to kill it....

[Der H: "what am I doing again..."]

[Brother Handro: "Pledge. Pledge!"]

...that's right!

2018-03-07 20.30.09.jpg
2018-03-07 20.30.12.jpg

Lucius now has the base purple and the first shade. Just needs a final zenithal highlight after a wash and then I can start blocking out the other colours.

Given the corrupted look of his armour I am likely to go relatively simple on the colour scheme in terms of the brightness of the pinks. Perhaps some pearl/white panels and some silver/platinum sections to denote veteran status.....and obviously the skin chest plate!

I even managed to get some purple on my other big project...

2018-03-07 20.30.18.jpg
2018-03-07 20.30.22.jpg

Good lord, there is life in the basement yet!

Der H

Life, the Universe and Everything - Why life is a PITA

There we go...I said it...Life is a massive bitch! The last few months have been a PITA and hobby, the least vital of the things I spend my time doing, has taken a back burner.

Does it matter?


For me, the hobby is partially about an escape. I do a job which requires lots of thinking and unfortunately, like the chap above, no matter how good you are you win and lose.

The last 12 months have been the most demanding professionally, and being able to sit in my basement and, essentially, play with toy soldiers has helped a lot!

Work, personal life and (more recently) cars take a huge amount of time, and like many a hobbyist I needed to take a break.

The final problem is deadlines; life is all about deadlines. Whether it is the real deadlines of life, bills, work and chores or the ficticious ones I make for myself [Der H: "Landrover, I'm looking at you...."] they all add to that stress...

The solution?


Fuck it!

Take your 26 page statement and shove it up your arse....what's that? You want me to reply on my day off? NOPE.

New rule - Der H gets to play with toys once a week! [Brother Handro: "you sure thats enough time to make a dent in that collection...."]

Stuff I have to be working on is certainly not the issue; my current work bench is as follows!

2x plastic connies, assorted IIIrd Legion characters, Custodes, IIIrd legion librarian, aegis defence line parts, tech marine....

2x plastic connies, assorted IIIrd Legion characters, Custodes, IIIrd legion librarian, aegis defence line parts, tech marine....

2x 10 man Tactical squads

2x 10 man Tactical squads

Sgts and vexillae!

Sgts and vexillae!

This isn't even starting on the Blood and Plunder, the Bolt Action (Winter airborne?), tyranids, genestealer cultists, BFG Eldar, BFG Alpha legion, Crimson fists, Arcworlde (either kickstarter) and harlequins....and deathwatch.....and Necromunda....and Spacehulk......

At least the basement is tidy right....

2018-03-01 20.30.51 (2).jpg

Right....lets get to it!

Der H

Pledges - March 2018

[Brother Handro: ".........."]

[Der H: "...just don't say anything...."]

Der H

I, Der H, kinda/might/maybe/sort-of pledge to complete Lucius "the Eternal"......one model.....ONE!

2018-03-01 20.30.48 (2).jpg

Brother Handro

I, Brother Handro, do hereby pledge to paint 10 Slugga Boyz and a Nob. Probably Goffs. Simples!...



Aaaah, you can almost smell the potential...or maybe it's just the primer...

Aaaah, you can almost smell the potential...or maybe it's just the primer...


Brother Handro & Der H

Though for the day: "Reach out to embrace the glories that will come"



WIP: Lucius & other updates

Well it’s another slow month - largely because I’m spending a lot of time working on my 1989 Landrover 110....bit of a time pit!


However there is some progress; Lucius is built and primed, as is the dreadclaw!


​In addition, I have another project in the works - 6 Legion Jetbikes!

So far, one is built as a Sgt with Phoenix spear, with the rest standard with some IIIrd legion upgrade parts.​


All of the weapons are pinned, so I’m looking forward to switching this between FA & HS slots! 


Stay tuned for more! 

Der H

Pledges - February 2018

[Der H: "Shall we try that again..."]

[Brother Handro: "Speak for yourself!"]

Right! Not the best start!

Der H

I, Der H, to atone for my repeated failures do hereby pledge to complete my conversion of Lucius "the Eternal" AND prime and base coat a Legion Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod.

2018-01-26 22.19.23.jpg
2018-01-26 22.18.51.jpg

Brother Handro

I, Brother Handro, in order to make some real progress this month (and wouldn't you know it, it's a short one!) do hereby pledge to build and indeed attempt to paint one of these....


Yep, it's an Ork Warboss on a bike (Der H: Technically it's a trike...), that used to be known as Boss Zhadsnark, Da Rippa, but that's all tucked away in the FW Xenos Index nowadays, so he'll just be a generic bikerboss for me, accompanying all those bikes I have to finish...



January 2018 - Pledge - Der H's Failure


Yes, yes I know....Shame.....

It has been a great month! Seriously, a fun, busy, rewarding and exhausting month.

Progress was made:

But overall, no completed Lucius...I did make several other bits of progress though, with my resin haul washed and even some of it built (spoilers!)

2018-01-22 20.12.11.jpg
2018-01-22 20.12.16.jpg

Brother Handro, I believe, faired better, but that is another story! Hobby day ahoy next week and so, watch this space!

Der H


Ah, the habitual shame post... 

(Brother Handro:   “Don’t get me started!” ) 

Just before Christmas...well, I had a moment! 

Adding to my list we have; 



SEVEN Jetbikes...


..and a dread claw! 


Thankfully I have made some progress already - usually building is the easy bit but Emperors Protects this was like pulling teeth! 



Hey, they might actually get some paint on soon... 



Der H 

Ork Bosswagon Conversion

Wherein Handro attempts to mount a Battlewagon's track assembly to a Trukk chassis...

Taking shape...

Taking shape...

Unsurprisingly, the Ork Trukk isn't designed to take a Battlewagon's track assembly, providing only the notches for its own two rear axles. I used the axles, judiciously cut up and fully pinned for sturdiness but also carrying most of the track weight, seeing as the tracks don't make much connection to the body. I then finished off the transmission with a length of plastic rod.

Underneath view showing transmission and axle assembly.

Underneath view showing transmission and axle assembly.

You may know that the Battlewagon's front wheels are the 'big' size, like the rear two sets on the Trukk. This means you have to use the 'big' size on the Trukk's front axle to match the track assembly, as the tracks cannot be mounted high enough to accept the 'small' wheels due to the flatbed. I couldn't find an ideal way of mounting the 'big' wheels beyond greenstuffing them to the axle and using copious amount of superglue. It holds!

Extended flat bed assembly.

Extended flat bed assembly.

The rear bed extension was simply a task of sawing a flatbed from another Trukk (wait for my upcoming Buggy conversions!) and gluing it to the end of this one, greenstuffing the gap and gluing in a couple of sprue braces underneath for strength. Voila, a Trukk that looks like it might carry more than three Boyz!
Then you're able to glue in two sets of side panels. I filled the gaps in front of them (personally I think the boarding planks look too big, and they aren't a thing in 8th anyway) with sawed-off boarding plank pieces.

Front view...plenty left to do!

Front view...plenty left to do!

The front as yet lacks much detail beyond the cut down Dakkajet top plate, a nice feature I found in an image search. Kudos to whomever came up with that idea. It will be getting some form of ram and/or front plate, headlights and then a sprinkling of gubbinz to make it feel lived in. A gunner might help too. Watch this space!

