Eisenhorn - an unboxing and discussion!

A long time ago  [Brother Handro:   “in a galaxy far, far away...”  ] , towards the end of my first stint as a wargamer, a game was released called Inquisitor.


This game was great, but complicated. A dedicated RPG for the 40K universe its legacy can almost be seen in games like Kill Team. It took the universe we knew from 40k and the ideas of gang progression with stats increases, from old favourites like Necromunda, and boosted them to true RPG depths.

Players took their gang of 3-5 models and, with the help of a DM, fought short narrative battles along a campaign. The rules were complicated but 40k standards [Der H: “It makes 7th Ed look simple!”nd not many people I knew played it. d100 and percentage rolls, coupled with an action system took some getting used to. The models were stunning, simply stunning, with 54mm giving a range of detail not seen before by many.


There were, of cours, problems. The slim number of models available made conversions trickier [Der H: although A) the rulebook had several colour pages demonstrating easy swaps and B) I swapped Dante’s inferno pistol to replace Eisenhorn's left hand and it still looked too big!” rother Handro: “28mm Heroic scale for the win!”nd some of the rules were easy to overuse - Space Marines tended to ROFL-Stomp most characters and there was even an article discussing if Astartes should even be allowed!

may pontificate more on the merits of Inquisitor, as well as such delights of Inqusi-munda, Inq28 and anything with Blanchian influence another time, but today I want to talk about Eisenhorn!


Eisenhorn’s artwork in Inquisitor was amazing, and the stories behind the character fascinating. The model was a favourite in Inquisitor 54mm, Typus’ power armour and Covenant’s carapace armour were probably more useful to the wearer, but the swept pose was great. My model was canabalised to make the left hand an inferno pistol, his right a daemon sword, and the roll on his back into scrolls. My Inquisitor was born and, with daemon host, mutant and tech priest beside him, he wrecked face...until my Artemis conversion just flayed his face off with his gauss blaster....Deathwatch FTW baby!


When I saw that Eisenhorn was being released as a limited run, 28mm model, I was there! Missing the first orders I resorted to the guys at Element Games who, as always, saved my bacon! I finally had time to pick him up today and so here we are!


Crappy, shrink wrapped picture! 





Little booklet with assembly guide and other things .

This model, isn’t it lovely! Finecast generally gets a very bad rep (possibly for good reason!), but this seems perfect. The head, hands and even feet are separate but the holes seem too small for my current magnets [Brother Handro:   “why always magnets!?” ].

I plan on pinning/magnetising the head and hands, but having this classic usable as Eisenhorn himself, or as my old Inquisitor should I do desire!

Check back soon for some progress as well as some possible conversion opportunities!

Der H 

WIP - IIIrd Legion Librarian

During the hobby day this week I made  start on my IIIrd Legion Librarian conversion.

A relatively simple conversion, it’s a few pad changes, a Phoenix spear, and a new (god specific) summoned daemon.

The work so far is all around that daemon and the associated flame effect. 

Brother Handro helped me with the choice of flame colour, colour therory suggesting green (Der H:   “Good shout Brother!”  ) 



Earlier stages!



Near completion.


I aimed for a bright green flame at the claw, with a fade to black smoke around the daemonette. This merged with her robes, also black, and provided a clean backdrop for the silver armour and pale skin. 



Still needs some work, but it’s getting there!



Der H 

WIP - Lucius (aka by the Almighty Emperor, painting!?)

It’s finally happening, Der H is painting something!

Today saw a flourish of progress from both Brother Handro and I - more on Brother Handro’s progress another time!

Lucius is more than just purple! 



An early wash saw me set me off slowly - needing to let washes dry has delayed many a project!



Other projects always need some paint too!



Not much in the way of WIP pictures - I often think models look much worse before they look better - but here we are with all colours blocked out, just waiting a few more details, highlights, and other finishing bits!


Stay tuned for the completion in the next week or so!!

Der H

House Mortimer

Der H: "Well, I don't think I have enough projects going on right now....lets start another!"

Sit down children and let me tell you a story about House Mortimer...


A long time ago there was an issue of White Dwarf (#126 to be precise) which brought up the story of the Imperial Knight Houses (I'd recommend you read it dear listener!)


The rules are interesting, the fluff is great, and the focus on Eldar Knights is something different from the current Knight range!

They also included some colour schemes, including an interesting addition...


No fluff was given for House Mortimer, just a garish colour scheme...

The yellow and purple scheme is...interesting...and the intensity of the colours does make one feel a little off.

Of great interest is the house crest...


Clearly this is a Tyranid bioform, it looks almost as though it is pregnant, and the colour gives it away as a genestealer. The same issue of White Dwarf includes the release of the Genestealer expansion for Space Hulk v1.


So, why am I telling you all of this? Well, I have decided that our lost friends in House Mortimer need a bit more publicity. I have scores of old Tyranids from my childhood collection, a new set of Genestealer cultists from the Deathwatch Overkill box, and with Forgebane around the corner I have decided to merge them into one.

The setting will include me love of Red Scorpions, Deathwatch, Inquisitors, Knights, Genestealer cults and the Tyranids. I'm aiming for an Anphelion project esque vibe.

Imperial Forces:

Inquisitor [REDACTED] (i.e. TBC) with retinue

Red Scorpions - Terminators of the 1st Company

Deathwatch - Kill team under Captain [REDACTED] (i.e. also tbc!)

Possible Astra Militarum support - TBC

House Mortimer:

Knight House Mortimer

Imperial/Mechnicum/Cult populace - Mixed Militarum/PDF/Mechanicum and civil populace

Tyranids - splinter aspect of Hive Fleet Leviathan

The Fluff:

The Industrial/Mining world of Osterion II was long lost to the Imperium, and only rediscovered by a Mechanicum explorator fleet in early M31 (roughly 002.M31).

The system contains 3 planets, Osterion I is a dead world and Osterion III is a gas giant surrounded by a number of moons. Osterion II is a dry, hot world, rich in minerals and ore. It was discovered during the early days of the Imperium, but never developed more than a mining outpost. During the age of strife the world received survivors of a lost colony fleet, and slowly grew in its isolation. It is at this time, that House Mortimer was formed.

By the time of its discovery in M31, Forge World Gryphonne was by far the leading Mechanicum strong hold in the sector, and House Mortimer quickly bowed to its superiority. Mortimer remained loyal throughout the Horus Heresy, and was able to remain relatively unscathed owing to the remote location and limited strategic value of the system. House Mortimer Knights were seen throughout the Scouring and the millennia that followed...

More fluff to follow in the coming weeks, but for now, behold the glorious emergence of House Mortimer...

Mortimer logo.png

Xenos sighted!

Welp, hot on the heels of my plans for the Glorious return of House Mortimer, we have a test scheme!

God I hate mold lines...

God I hate mold lines...

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Zandri dust spray, agrax wash [Brother Handro: "aka Magic Brown"] then ushabti bone overbrushing -> clearly a win!

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First coat of jokero orange...

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Works....but not great yet. I almost feel that i need to do Zandri dust, jokero orange, yellow/light orange stark highlight and some stripes/patterns and then wash it all down with agrax before overbrushing the whole thing with ushabti...

2018-03-07 08.07.48.jpg

first steps work well...

2018-03-07 19.43.30.jpg

orange....less so!

I feel the genestealers themselves might need a simple Zandri/Ushabti with purple wash in the soft bits! hopefully with the details like claws, teeth, eyes, tongue and some purple wash It should work well!

Let us know what you think guys!

Der H

Forgebane - ouch...my wallet...

[Brother Handro: "We don't really do news...do we?"]

[Der H: "Quiet! I'm having fun!"]


So...this has happened! Both Brother Handro and I missed out of the glory that was Knight Renegade, and as such I have bought nearly every boxed game since!

[Brother Handro: "<Cough> Death Watch <Cough>"]

We are both Necro-curious....not like that...and of course the Ad Mech/Knights combo is hard to resist.


The contents look pretty good to be honest, and several blog sites have already bandied around estimated costs. For my part, even at the estimated upper end of £100, this is a bargain....and one I will be snaffling up pretty sharp-ish!

House Mortimer anyone....

Der H & Brother Handro

Quote of the day: Praise be! The Star Children deliver us

Battlefleet Gothic - Emperors Children - Summary

It dawns on me that, some time ago, I started chatting about BFG ships! Behold! My glorious IIIrd Legion fleet in all its glory!

2017-09-23 18.44.46.jpg

This is my complete (for now...) fleet. As you can tell, I quite like this fleet! It comes together nicely, has a good range of ships, and feels mixed and exciting. There are a few, fluff wise, older designs to fit with the heresy era, as well as several of the armoured prow sporting ships that, although initially post-heresy designs, have now been re-conned into the heresy era canon.

I hope the few BFG posts I managed to pump out last year have given you some inspiration for BFG. It is a game we both really enjoy and which has stood the test of time. You never know, it might even get a re-boot!

Stay tuned over the next few months to see my Eldar fleet progress, my Alpha Legion fleet appear, and to see more of Brother Handro's Imperial fleet close up!