Warhammer community live stream - new stuff!

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What a preview! I made a point of watching this for the Titan reveal, but was pleasantly surprised by the content! Lets do the Titan first!

Adeptus Titanicus


This chonky boi is the Warmaster titan. Larger than the Warlord, it is HUGE. the weapons are described as:

  • Two Suzerain-pattern Plasma Destructors

  • Revelator Missile Launcher

  • Ardex Defensor Cannons

  • Lascannon Knees! - The strange look of this reflects the old Jes Goodwin art - see below!

Scale-wise, Warhammer Community include this image, and suggested it is not far off the size of 28mm knights - Chonky Boi indeed!


The new book, closely followed by its traitor equivalent, covers 16 titan legions and 12 knight houses that are loyal to the Imperium. (Der H: “Boooooo!”)

Legio Metalica, perchance?

Legio Metalica, perchance?

Power creep aside, the inclusion of this bad boy is likely in each of our legios. A single Warmaster, two Warlords, and the rabble that follow will have a nice symmetry I suppose! I dare say the Loyalist Legios book will be bought….after all, House Mortimer are loyalists….


40k - Kill team & Sisters of Battle

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After the hype of 9th edition, and a hastily bought Indomitus box, Der H’s Necrons have been relegated to a black basecoated mass in a box in a cupboard (Brother Handro: “Oh…the one with the sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the leopard’). But now, they can have some friends!

The box looks great, some nice Necron models in there, and some Intercessors that can…..sit unbuilt…forever…

The Flayed Ones were never my cup of chai, but they do look nice, and the box combined with terrain might make a good entry point for newer players! with Kill Team as a gateway purchase….oh G’dubs you smart old bean!

Fantasy and the Cursed City

So alas, the Old World and Mordheim did not re-appear…but a new Warhammer Quest has been announced, and Underworlds saw some gorgeous sculpts that might even be usable in the Grim Dark of 30k!

I didnt really feel drawn into the main AoS section, but the vampires and the Cursed City really tugged at my coat tails! The new totally-not-Mordheim box might be an interesting way to get into….well…Mordheim….if only I could tempt a certain person…then I can spend my time building fantasy houses…..(Brother Handro: “and dropping them down the stairs….”)

And that is it for the Preview! Some amazing reveals, one of which will get bought pretty sharpish (Brother Handro: “Paint. Your. Damn. TITANS!!!”), and some which we might just dodge…

"Ere we go" - The Hobby Butterflies do Gorkamorka!

Back in the early days of this blog, and early days of our Instagram account, Der H went a little mad and bought some stuff for Orks…


…and shortly after, these arrived…


We then proceeded to do what all good Hobby Butterflies do, and left them in a box for nearly 3 years (Brother Handro: “Three….years….”)

Der H first had a dalliance with Gorkamorka back in the heady days when a subscription to White Dwarf came with perks…like a box for Gorkamorka.


The box was relatively new then, and included the Trukks and Trakks that made the game so iconic, as well as the smaller Gorkamorka Boyz. These has a smaller, ovoid base and were generally smaller and slimmer than standard 40K Orks.


The game used similar rules to Necromunda, including a campaign, experience, injuries and visits to the Doc/Mek to repair or upgrade your gang. The Vehicle rules were entertaining with manic Mad Max-style combat being the aim. Vehicle capacity was “the number that fit” leading to the range of vehicle sizes seen in the rule book imagery…


Brother Handro has a long held penchant for Orks, with various attempts at building 40K or even Crusade-era lists to challenge the might (Brother Handro: “Ha!”) of the IIIrd legion Astartes, and since we both had some Orks lying around…why not right?…new year, new army…just don’t look in that cupboard at the last 100 projects….


HB-3D has even been taken over by unruly Orks, with our latest designs being tokens for overwatch, hide, run and scrap (all used in Gorkamorka) and a range of 3D tokens for more exciting Scrap tokens - scrap being the objective in many GoMo games! My 3D design willingness didn’t extend to dice, and GoMo needs a few extras with sustained fire and artillery dice needed, in addition to the scatter die!


Who knows, maybe GW will announce Gorkamorka as a future specialist games revival, but failing that stay tuned for updates to Der H’s Zagskar’s Raderz (Gorkas) and Brother Handro’s Yet to be named Morkas (Brother Handro:Garok’s Gangerz, ya grot!’) over the next week or so!

New website features...

New year….sort of new site

Brother Handro: “I mean, its not really new…”

Der H: “Meh…”

In 2021 we decided to accept certain things:

1) Instagram is where the hobby is…

2) We don’t use some features here

3) We want to have this site as a place to put blog posts

4) Out wall of shame is so out of date it isn’t even funny

As such, here are some current, and some proposed, changes :

1) The gallery

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The old gallery was a random collection of "some pictures” rather than what we’re actually doing! The new Gallery page has our last 20 posts as a grid, with links to our pages. That’s it. Gallery done…

2) The home page

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This was a little tweak rather than anything else. The search bar is now up top, and the last 5 posts below. There is still the link to older posts, and the format here has also changed…

3) The Archive

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This was previously an endless (Brother Handro: “Dont flatter yourself…”) list of previous posts, but now it is by month and year…much easier!

4) The wall of shame

This hasnt changed, yet….we need to take inventory…..this might take a while…

5) About us…

For now this will stay, until we find a better use for it!

6) Hot links bar

The links section has been tweaked as well: we have more of them!

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From left to right we have THB Instagram, Brother Handros Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, YouTube, Cults 3D, and Thingiverse…..quite a list of socials….we arn’t on TikTok…don’t ask (Brother Handro: “Are we really ‘on’ YouTube”)

7) HB-3D

This is a recent re-branding of Der H’s 3D kitbashing…for more details, check out the links, or the blog post here.

That’s about it I think….Let us know if you particularly like, or dislike, anything. Stay tuned for more Hobby Butterflies madness!

Brother Handro's Work Bench - January 2021

In which Handro briefly describes the random assortment of bits and pieces he’s been not quite finishing for the last six months…

I actually finished a titan…

I actually finished a titan…

Y’know, flitting from one project to another on an almost daily basis goes without saying on this blog, but honestly I’m not sure I’d have it any other way. Some people have thousands of points worth of stuff for one faction or system all painted and ready to go and the luxury of being able to pick and choose your force from a pool of finished stuff is one I’m not overly familiar with (Der HI’ll say….)’, but to me it will always be about keeping the hobby mojo going by knowing there’ll always be something lurking in the Hobby Cupboard of Doom (tm) to grab my attention…so without further ado, I give you….Handro’s stuff and things….

Not this one though…

Not this one though…

So I’ve been mainly working on Adeptus Titanicus in the last few months. I cannot get enough of the models, and the New Year’s teaser images of a potentially new chassis give me impetus to continue the charge. It doesn’t hurt that my efforts spur on Der H to finally get on his Legio Fureans stuff either. (Der H ‘Alright, alright!…)

Or this one…

Or this one…

Aside from big stompy death machines, I’ve been airbrushing my 30k scale Knights (Der H ‘Errr….still big stompy death machines?’), building and starting to paint a Star Wars Legion clone army, and building a World Eater assault force. My newly-airbrushed Imperial Fists Zone Mortalis stuff is looking at me disapprovingly…

Looking after the new guy…

Looking after the new guy…

I’ve recently built some Ork vehicles for that Gorkamorka thing Der H always bangs on about…gives me a reason to dust off (literally) the piles of Ork stuff I’ve got lying about…

Orky 8-wheeler!

Orky 8-wheeler!

Seeing the awesome stuff Der H has got lined up, I’ll have to pull out all the stops for my Orky vehicle konvershuns….


“Yea, so we make 3D stuff now…”

Back in March of 2020 (Brother Handro: “As if that is nearly a year ago…”) Der H bought a 3D printer….this is clearly not in line with the plan to paint things, rather than build things. What printer?…


…an Elegoo Mars of course (Just like everyone else!)

This thing is a beauty; easy to use, and affordable. Since then there have been two updates, namely the Mars Pro and the Mars 2. Lots of quality of life features but a very similar user experience!


Everyone starts with the rook! There is one hell of a learning curve though - hence the sub-par cleaning here! Over the next month or so I will be doing a few guides, reviews, or thoughts on 3D printing to help those new to the art, and direct your attentions to far more knowledgeable people than us!

This post isn’t going to cover ‘how to do it’, (Der H “That might follow!”) but instead is here to introduce our (Brother Handro: “well, your…”) latest attempts to avoid painting: The Hobby Butterflies 3D, or HB-3D for short!

Our creations are available on Thingiverse or on Cults 3D, all for free (Der H “For now….Bwahahah!”) and all files should be on each site - for your convenience! Although I’m not a great digital sculptor, I have a knack for 3D kitbashing (Der H: “note that down for a future article!!”) and making things that perhaps don’t exist anymore, with a few golden oldies below!

Below is a teaser of what we offer, between a few categories!

Battlefleet Gothic/Battlefleet Heresy

BFG (and now BFH) is the thing that got my back into playing tabletop wargames (Brother Handro: “Wasn’t it technically Space Hulk…” Der H “Don’t say its name! It can hear you….”) and was the topic of a few early posts. Over on Facebook there a few groups and a particular document call the Additional Ships Compendium v2.0 (ASC v2.0) by the great Evan…stoked to see some gorgeous ships that didn’t yet exists I thought….I can make those…the result was the Tempest Class Strike Frigate and the Governor Class Grand Cruiser. Since then I’ve made a number for BFG ships, and even some old OOP FW models…

40k and 30K

Our main game is of course 30k, with some 40k dalliances, and so I have started making a few parts to suit those lines…not much yet, but more to come!

Other Stuff - AKA Blood and Plunder!

Some stuff just doesn’t fit into any one box…mostly because its for pirate games! This sculpt is the distraction/decoy made by Captain Aubrey in the film Master and Commander. No rules in game (Der H “But seriously check out Blood and Plunder….it’s amazing!) but we'll find a use for it!

Out of print - Back from the dead!

Some of my designs are my take on OOP designs from a certain large company. These are across a few systems, but are there to try and support our hobby and fill the gap left by their loss. I’m hoping to get more designs in this category going forward!

Der H's Work Bench - January 2021

January is odd this year…the relief of 2020 being over has been replaced by another secondment to ICU to cover COVID activity, we’re in another national lockdown, and for some reason the Tax Man wants money….bah! I guess I should get on with some back log then eh… (Brother Handro “Isn’t that the whole idea?”)

Tiny Titans!

Titanicus is a thing apparently….this month sees me get stuck into my Fureans…4 warhounds are on the table right now, weapons done (except the new Ursus Claws!) and now its time to crack out the airbrush again to get the armour panels sorted.

Star Wars legion

Handro finally made me crack and start with SWL…but until I can justify buying the Emprie/Rebel starter box I need to bolster the droid contingent of Brother Handro’s Clone Wars box. A useful gift from a good friend set me up with Dooku, and the wonders of 3D printing from a number of good Gum road sources have me sitting with 4 fully kitted-out B1 squads! Recently, helped by the Mandalorian, I’ve printed storm troopers, shore troopers and tank troopers so keep an eye out for some progress on the bench…


So, Since Handro has finally given in, i need to take him up on the opportunity to get Gorkamorka going…I bought the Build+Paint Ork sets some time ago (Brother Handro “That was JULY 2018…”) for this purpose, and have finally got stuck in….Zagscar’s Raderz are finally under way!

Guess I best get to it!

Hobby Goals 2021

So since it seems to be the thing to do, I guess we should have some hobby goals! This blog started as a way to get us painting out backlogs, and what better way than shared shame…(Brother Handro: “Don’t you dare use that gif again….”)…Lets see what we want to achieve…

Brother Handro


1: Titans!

If there’s one thing I’ve fallen in love with in the last few years it’s Adeptus Titanicus. (Owning, not playing, apparently…) I just can’t get enough of that not-quite Epic-scale goodness. Expect more legios than you can shake a rangefinder at!


2: Clones!

If there’s another thing I’ve got into, it’s Star Wars Legion! Although I love all the factions, I’m a big fan of the Republic so expect to see me wade through my clones painting white and various unit markings…we may even learn how to play it properly!…(Der HEasy now, tiger…’)

3: zone mortalis!

By which I obviously mean His Imperial Majesty’s Most Glorious Fists…(Der H mutters something about iron cages under his breath..) Der H has been chugging away at his magnificent ZM board and the classic match-up of Iron Warriors versus Imperial Fists will be a suitably fitting clash for this deadly stage….


4: World Eaters!

Do you hear the voices too?! (Der H ‘sanity is for the weak!’) I’ve long harboured a dark ambition to do at least some justice to this famously annoying-to-paint legion. The core of the force is built, now I just need to muster the courage…


5: Orkses!

Hey remember when I bought a whole Ork army around the beginning of 8th Ed? Yeah….Der H wants to do Gorkamorka, and I do love a good mechanised infantry theme…alright I’ll do it!

Der H


1: …I mean, titans i guess….

Brother Handro has been suggesting (Der H “Strongly….”) that I should paint my titans for some time…they are all currently gun metal with shading and have panels in various stages of completeness. We bought in HARD at the start, and each have a grand master edition jsut waiting to be played…Legion Fureans is, as such, my number 1 completion for this year!

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2: Death korps of krieg

Ok, this one is serious….its been here looking at me forever it seems! I’ve expanded it with some tanks, two bombards, a minotaur, and 10 OOP renegade ogryn. I have lists on battlescribe, I have fluff and a theme….but none painted….this shall not pass!


3: Oak and iron

Yet another Kickstarter I hit HARD in the last few years. Duplicate of everything they make has been sat unpainted for a long time. It did get a coat of white (Brother Handro “wow….easy there…dont want to peak at a Golden Daemon too soon”) in 2020, but nothing since. Citadel contrast paints seem to be the way to go, and they’ve been bought and ready for some time too. Thy need to get finished! I have started this already, so its jsut a matter of motivation, dedication and strict attention to…oh look, SWL…


4: Zone Mortalis

Yea we both need this…I bought the board on LCtB last year whilst waiting for my FRCA Ceremony! (Der H “My wallet hasnt recovered”) It is mostly painted except for details and stencils. a few good sessions and we’ll be done…..now….where did that ZM door STL file go…


5: Play some games

Ok, ok this one is a pipe dream….but COVID-19 has had a wide range of effects. My professional life has certainly changed! like all of us I miss gaming; I miss events (I think…) and I miss playing games with my buddy! 2021 WILL change this and we’ll be sick of learning when to brace for impact (and what game that even is…) again before too long…

Back from the dead...

Back from the dead, assholes....Boba’s got himself a lightsaber now!


So…..2020 was a blast…

Even before the pandemic, The Hobby Butterflies wasn’t the most productive blog on the internet (Brother Handro: “Understatement…”). We had hoped that a series of national and regional lockdowns would help that process but it turns out that Anaesthetists are kinda useful during a pandemic…(Der H: “So what’s your excuse Handro”, Brother Handro: “Dont you work form home two days a week…?”)

We have been active, and our instagram posts over at The Hobby Butterflies and Brother Handro are pretty active…the Hashtag game is certainly strong Hobbybutterflies was even included in the mighty Edge of Empire podcast (Although not related to us!)

We have also been churning through a variety of old and new projects including 3D printing, 3D design, BFG, and some side projects inspired by a popular YouTube video series!

We continue to be true butterflies with a range of projects from 30K, Adeptus titanicus, BFG, Arc Worlde, Star Wars Legion, Oak and Iron, Blood and Plunder and a range of others, so sit back and watch as we finally (Brother Handro: “Yes, but lets ACTUALLY do it this time…”) get down to posting regularly and progressing through the endless plastic, metal and resin piles around our desks!